Friday, December 24, 2010

Design Time...

     Well, I decided that for my Save The Dates I wanted to do Magnets.  Since the Save the Dates I created in my earlier posts were two sided, I had to redesign them.  I pretty much did the same concept, but I made it a little bigger.. I designed them, then I ordered 10 of them on Vista Print.  I paid for the 7 day shipping, but it actually got to me in about 3 days.  So, I definitely liked that.  The quality is very nice, but I just thought it was a bit plain looking. Well, I could change that since I designed the things! Lol.  I went back to the drawing board! I created them on Illustrator and finished them up with Photoshop.  I am very happy with how they came out.  I was going to order them on Vista Print again, but when I went to order they were more expensive.  So, I decided that I would wait until the large magnets went on sale again.  It really isn't the price of the magnets, but the shipping.. The first time I ordered them, they were 65 cents a piece.  I can hold out for that! I know I might get impatient though.. I used a random picture for the mock up.  I am going to put an engagement picture on there whenever we take them in February.  I think these will go out in March.  
(I am aware that the 4 is misplaced!)
    I was also feeling very crafty tonight and finished my Bridesmaids Project.  They came out so cute! I could not be happier with them.  I took pics through the process and will post them when I get the cards out.  I can not wait to share them with you! 

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