Friday, December 24, 2010

Design Time...

     Well, I decided that for my Save The Dates I wanted to do Magnets.  Since the Save the Dates I created in my earlier posts were two sided, I had to redesign them.  I pretty much did the same concept, but I made it a little bigger.. I designed them, then I ordered 10 of them on Vista Print.  I paid for the 7 day shipping, but it actually got to me in about 3 days.  So, I definitely liked that.  The quality is very nice, but I just thought it was a bit plain looking. Well, I could change that since I designed the things! Lol.  I went back to the drawing board! I created them on Illustrator and finished them up with Photoshop.  I am very happy with how they came out.  I was going to order them on Vista Print again, but when I went to order they were more expensive.  So, I decided that I would wait until the large magnets went on sale again.  It really isn't the price of the magnets, but the shipping.. The first time I ordered them, they were 65 cents a piece.  I can hold out for that! I know I might get impatient though.. I used a random picture for the mock up.  I am going to put an engagement picture on there whenever we take them in February.  I think these will go out in March.  
(I am aware that the 4 is misplaced!)
    I was also feeling very crafty tonight and finished my Bridesmaids Project.  They came out so cute! I could not be happier with them.  I took pics through the process and will post them when I get the cards out.  I can not wait to share them with you! 

Friday, December 10, 2010

9 months to go.. : ) .

     Wow, I am in trouble once again in the blog world... It has been over 2 months since I have blogged and I'm a pretty sad with that.  But in my defense... I did pick up another job to help with wedding costs, so I pretty much work everyday. So, by the time I get off I barely have time to get things done before it's bed time! Or if I am off in the morning, I sleep in.  I am sure you all can find it in your blog loving hearts to forgive me. : ) . Keep reading if you do, because I have LOTS to catch you up on!
     The Dress: I have it in my possession! The emailed me in October and said that my dress came in early.  And that they could only store it for two weeks.  So, we paid it off and picked it up.  My mom thought they keep it till the wedding, but I don't think that would be the best idea for their back room.  I had to clean out my closet and I am proud that I haven't opened it up since I got it.  I hear that lots of brides forget how their dress looks, but I definitely remembered.  I put it on at the bridal shop to see how the veils looked and it was just as gorgeous as I remember.  That day was Bridal Day.  We had an appointment with the Bridal Shop and the.....
     Cake Vendor!!! : ) . So, we have another check! My dad was supposed to come to the bridal shop and the cake vendor, but work had him on the other side of town.  I was disappointed, but in the end I knew he wasn't meant to be at the Cake Shop.  Haha. The budget enforcer would have been having a tough job!! My mom and I were horrible together! Lol. We were saying yes to everything! We designed the most beautiful cake. It really is going to be a nice cake.  I incorporated the swirls on the invitations and the monogram.  Mr. Bloom mentioned to me once that he likes the "quilted" look, so I also incorporated that.  The cutest of all is the fact that every other layer is orange butter almond.  The cake will be ivory and tiffany on the outside, then when you cut it open it will be orange. One of the cute details! The second layer will have our monogram on it.  Our cake lady is making the monogram out of Swarovski Crystals, so that when all is said and done we can keep the monogram off of our cake! (She's giving that to us as a wedding present!) The cake tastes amazing, and it's going to look amazing.  So, we put the deposit down and there you go!! 
     Next, I am working on a craft for my Bridesmaids.  Just to let them know it is official.  I decided that I needed final decision on them by the end of December.  So, I used my smarts and changed some things and picked 5.  I hope that is not too many, most are practically family.  I hope that will cut back on the drama. haha. We shall see! I will def post pics of that process.. 
     Anyways, let me post this blog before it's less than 9 months to go! haha.  I apologize for my lack of blogging, but I definitely will try my best through this busy time to post as much as possible.  Thanks for forgiving me and reading. ; ) . 

Thursday, September 30, 2010


     I think every Bride to be loves Checks.. I feel so accomplished when there is something else I can cross of the list.  Let's See...

  • Venue - Check
  • Dress - Check
  • Photographer - Check
  • Boxes for Favors  - Check
  • Cake - Almost Check (We know the Vendor, We just need to meet with her)

     Did I put a check next to the photographer?? YES! She came back into town, emailed me and still had 09.10.11 available.  I was so excited.  We met her a couple days later and put down the deposit! This is after on my last blog entry I decided I wanted to go with her, but my mom wanted my dad to pick out photographers he liked so he could feel more involved. lol. And who does he pick? The one we met with and wanted! Ha. I could of used that information in July when we met with her.. So, it was just a matter of her getting back into town and us putting a deposit down. : ) . I am beyond happy that we have her as our photographer.  The pictures are going to be great.  We don't do our engagement pictures until March.  So, I have to get to work and lose a few more pounds!! I don't have that many pounds to go till my goal weight.. We did choose an engagement location. Which is... The Zoo! Haha.  People might think thats weird I suppose, but who cares.. It really is us.  We went to the Zoo on our 5 year anniversary and the Dallas World Aquarium on our 6 year anniversary.  We both love animals and nature and our relationship is very playful, so what better place to take them? I am in love with the idea.  Our photographer will do wonders there.
     I think the Venue was the easiest check.  I had researched it a while ago, but thought that the price range was out of my budget.  Fortunately, my parents are making my wedding dreams come true.  I am so grateful to them for everything that they are doing/have done for me.  Plus, my moms excitement and me being the only daughter helps out too! haha.  The venue is gorgeous.  200 people isn't what I would call intimate, but the little chapel gives me just that feeling.  The tall open windows everywhere and the trees all around us is perfect.  With our love for the outdoors and nature it really couldn't be more perfect.  
     Ahh, the Dress.  All I wanted to do was go into the bridal shop and try on a dress I saw online.  I wasn't really looking to buy a dress considering that it was wayyy early in the planning stage.  I was really happy that everyone that I wanted to be there was there.  I went dress shopping before and I think there was too many people there.  Too many opinions to put into consideration.  So, secretly this time I just wanted it to be just the mom's and I also invited my cousin.  So, here I go into the bridal shop and they don't have the dress that I want.  Of course! But everything happens for a reason. So, I just tried on a dress that we pulled. My cousin thinks she pulled it, but I have no clue.  So, I am taking her word for it.    I slipped it on and went out.  I don't even remember much.  I don't remember if everyone else liked it or what they thought of it.  All I remember is that every dress I tried on after that wasn't the dress I loved.  It was just matter of fact. That was it, it was the dress.  I didn't have any doubts.  I had fell in love with a couple of other dresses before, which I think threw my mom off because I fell in love again.  I don't think she knew if it was for sure this time, because I had said I think this could be it a couple times before... and I definitely saw where she was coming from.  This was different.  On those other dresses I felt that I could do with out something. It wasn't perfect, but I thought I could make it work.  With this one, there was not a thing I would change about it.  I love the shape, the beading, the train and the elegance.  It's perfect.  So, Check! I had the dress! 
     So, next I have to figure out what to put in those favor boxes and how to design my cake! I am looking forward to many more checks to come. Can't wait.  Less than a year and counting. : ) .

Monday, September 13, 2010


     I think I am the worst blogger known to mankind!! It has been almost a month since my last post! I thought it was going to be easier to keep up with being that I am always online! Well.. its is officially less than a year till my wedding!! I can't believe it.  I feel like I want to have a nervous breakdown already. haha. Ok. maybe that is exaggerating a bit, but it is daunting to think of all the work we have ahead of us..
     This month my goal is to nail down a photographer.  When looking for a photographer, I look for pictures that I would call "Epic."  When you look at them you don't just see a photograph, but a piece of art.  Something you would see in a magazine or could make a huge print and have it hanging up like you bought it.. haha. Mr. Bloom and I love art.  We are both creative and have an eye for gorgeous art.  So, why shouldn't we be able to be art? Right?  I have gone through website after website of photographers. Mom, FMIL and I have been to two bridal extravaganzas.. The second time we were looking for mainly photographers.. There is so much information and we were overwhelmed.  So, I am sure that you are with me on the fact that I would like to make a decision and just get it out of the way.  I fell in love with a photographer a co-worker recommended to me.  After contacting them, I did not hear from her for WEEKS! Can you believe that? That is the last thing I need to be worrying about... An MIA photographer.  As much as I loved her work I had to let that dream go.  So, there I went going through flyer after flyer of photographers.. Nothing quite had the "epic-ness" that I was looking for.  That picture that made me say, "Wow."  Then, I got on the trusty  Local vendors, my favorite section.  lol. I just scanned through all of their page photos.  And I had a photographer jump out on me.  I saw the "epic-ness" that I was looking for.  The gorgeous photojournalistic look.  The veil flowing in the air.  The composition of it all.  I knew that is what I wanted.  So, of course I emailed her and got a reply a few minutes later.. Is this how it is supposed to work? Does it not take weeks to send an e-mail?? Ha. She had meeting times available and we emailed back in forth multiple times and my date was available..   So, we set up a meeting.  My Dad, Mom, Mr. Bloom and I went to go meet with her and her husband.  (Hope it wasn't too intimidating) We loved their personality, their work and their professionalism.  My dad was the only one who had one issue... "I don't like the fact they met us at a Starbucks," he said. Haha.  What an oldie. ; ) .  I tried to explain that people do that these days.  Starbucks is a meeting place and I told him to get used to it.  Just like when he told me flip flops were the downfall of America.  Lol. Anyways, Dad (the budget enforcer as you will remember) thought that maybe it was a little pricey.  This frustrated me because it was definitely at the low end of our budget.  I had done all my research, and this was by far, for everything we wanted, the cheapest price.. So, we didn't commit to anything at the meeting.  Getting dad to agree really wouldn't be that big of an issue, but I of course procrastinated.  I finally get online to tell the photographer that I was hoping our day was still available and that we wanted to go with her.  And where is she?? In Asia!! Shooting a wedding.. until September 23 or so... I am going to go crazy with anticipation.. What if our day is booked now!!? Just pile on the stress... I personally believe that what is meant to be, will be.  So, hopefully 09.10.11 is still open... I will have my fingers crossed!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Save the Dates!

Wow, I haven't posted in a bit.  When I started this I was thinking I would be on it! So, I will try to do better... Well, since I liked the swirls, I wanted it to be a constant theme like I said in my post below.  I don't know that I have a particular "theme" to our wedding, but I am into details that probably no one will notice but me. lol.  Isn't that usually how it goes though? So, I think I went through a few designs when it came to my Save the Dates.  Each level I knew something didn't look right or feel right.  I think with all the things I have decided on some reason it just clicked that it was final.  My invites... that was it i didn't want to make any changes and was content.  My dress, the save the dates, the colors were the same.  People were convinced that I would change it, but I'm good.  I guess maybe because I have a tad bit of indecisiveness in me. ; ) . But it's kind of weird that with these things it just is what it is when I am happy with a final decision.  When its not right, I know that something is a little off.  I think that I may even be surprising myself... 
     So, with most of the things that I design I usually have to make it even, and not so much an even number... more like symmetrical... and I'm not even sure if thats the word I am looking for... like I wouldn't just put two circles on a page, because even though the number is even I would like three instead.  haha. Who knows if that makes any sense to anyone but me! Here is the front of my design before I go on explaining...
     So, naturally I put three circles.  My first one had the swirls and a border, then "Save the Date" went on top of the border.  I wasn't happy with it because I fell like it chopped up the flow of the design.  It got me a few tries to get it this way, but I am very content with it.  Once I get more memory for my computer and load my creative suite, I will definitely put a how-to up for the swirls in illustrator.  Once I got familiar with it, it really wasn't that hard.  I can't wait to design many more things in life! I did contemplate whether I wanted to put the 09.10.11 on the swirls, I was thinking about making three smaller circles under the "Save the Date", but I decided to just bold the date.  I feel like it works, I don't want it to be too cluttered... Here is the back...

(I of course edited it... I did it the lazy way.. so some of my design is missing where is name should get the point!)

     When making a Save the Date, where is one to begin? I had no idea! I made all of this from scratch.  I did not have a template and I am pretty proud of how it came out... Even the heart was made by hand! lol.  Getting every single square perfectly was hard, then I was like well make a row and copy and paste! That made it a lot easier!  I see alot of these with the calendar, so I thought it was a cute idea.  I made them postcard size for easy mailing.  The lines on it with the decoration on the end is a paint brush that I thought was neat.  You can see it also on the invitations swirl if you look closely... I will put our engagement picture in the picture spot of course... and you better believe I will do my best to match the colors! One thing about me I guess is that I am very matchy matchy. I want everything to flow and coordinate.  
     I think I will just print them on cardstock.  I was going to have more extravagant STD's, but since I picked up more DIY then originally planned, I think it is safe to say this is fine! and there you have it! Save the Date design...DONE! 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

First DIY - Invites

     I don't know how many pictures I have saved on my computer of invitations that I liked, but none of the were IT.  I spent many a night on google searching for something I was totally in love with.  Then it hit me, it would be my first DIY project. I was going to design my invitations... 
     I found a lot of inspiration from the Road to the Aisle Blog... that one pops up many times on my google searches.. It first popped up when I was going to make my own pocket folds.. I didn't want to have to do all of those, so I opted to buy them on paper and more for a fairly cheap price and a fantastic quality... I purchased them in Aqua Lagoon.. 
     And then on the inside of the invite would have about 1/4 of an inch of the pocket fold showing.. then a piece of orange cardstock, then the text would be on an ivory piece of paper.. I just made a quick mock up in paint to show you...

     The design was the first thing I made.  I made the design in Illustrator.  Photoshop is my favorite program, but I had already used my 30 day trial. So, I decided to try Illustrator.  I have only worked with Illustrator a little bit in college, but I didn't use it all the time like I did photoshop.  I got a little familiar with it and I do love the program now.  (And decided that I needed to buy the Adobe Creative Suite, so I don't have to deal with trials anymore!) So, I decide that since I was going to customize it I really wanted to make us a monogram. R&R are perfect letters, right? Agreed.  So, I fell in love with the font Zapafino.  It's such a gorgeous font.  I wanted a belly band around the invites, so I was going to make a piece of card stock to put on the ribbon to hide the two ends of the ribbon meeting. Of course it would land on the front of the pocketfold... Here is what I came up with... (the R's are Zapafino, the "And" is Papyrus)

     I tweaked and tweaked the actual inside of the invitation many times, but like when I found Mr. Bloom, you just know when you have IT.  Each time something wasn't right I knew.  I knew it just wasn't it.  Moving this here, and this there and all that kind of stuff just to get it perfect.  I felt when I first begin the project I had no idea what I was doing.  How was I going to make it look like it wasn't made by a 5 year old? haha.  I mean, It's the first invitation I have ever designed. I didn't know if I could make exactly what I wanted.. I haven't exactly finalized the wording, but I finished the design and couldn't be happier with it..  It's my first "baby." haha.. The first of many DIY's and there is nothing that I would change about it... ( I have of course edited out the names)(The wording font is BlairMdITC)

      I want everything to be consistent.  So, the swirls is going to be a definite theme.. The next time you will see them will be in my Save The Dates... In my next post. : ) .

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tiffany Who?

     So, the first thing I wanted to tackle was the color scheme.  Ever since Mr. Bloom and I talked about having a wedding we decided on white, red, and black.  I think thats the only color he wears and we thought it looked nice.  There it was settled. Easy... Or so I thought.. After we picked our date I was weary of those colors.. everyone does the red and the white thing, its very common. The wedding is in early September (which I feel is more summer than fall).  I just wasn't feeling those colors anymore... My mom and I love purple.. So naturally I went straight for the Lavender... and I love green, so here I thought I had it again.. I started thinking it was too eastery.. I didn't want it to feel like a Spring Fling.. Is choosing colors supposed to be this hard?? Probably not. lol. Then, one night I was at a friends house and by chance my color scheme came to me... She makes bows and was making some at the time and her little daughter was playing with all the ribbon on the floor.  Two pieces caught my eye.. An aqua and an orange ribbon.. I loved it together.  I did make a minor tweak.  When I got home I happened to glance at my Tiffany box and knew that was the color I wanted.  I've been told by many vendors that they usually see it with brown, but they love it with the orange.. 
    Ohh Tiffany.. the problems she causes me!! First off I don't get why many people feel that Tiffany is aqua.  Common misconception I guess... It really should be called Tiffany Green.. It is way more green than it is blue.. So, whenever I ask linen people if they have Tiffany Blue they say yes.  Then I go to see it and its Aqua.  Why did I pick a color that was going to make my life hard?? So, I thought long and hard about changing it to Aqua.. I told my mom and she said, "No! It's too beautiful!" 
     So the next day we went to a fabric store and found the exact color we needed... Hmm.. I guess we are making the table overlays!! haha.  She did find a pretty cute runner for 3.99 online though.. So, she reassured me that this would be okay..
     I got my invitations that I am DIY'ing from paper and and they are perfect.. I bought the pocket folds and the paper.  I made the design and will print them myself.. 
     My FMIL emailed me some cute tiffany blue boxes she found online.  When I went to go by them, the boxes were a dollar and the shipping was twenty dollars!!! So, I found the same ones on the knot (eggshell blue).  When I heard my package came from them, I was gearing myself up for disappointment.  They are going to be wrong, they are not going to work out, its going to be a disaster... When I opened the box and laid my eyes on them I was soooo excited! They were perfect! 
     So, It got me thinking.. maybe Tiffany Blue isn't such a bad color. I'm sure we'll see as times go on.. And there you have it.. my FINAL color scheme: Tiffany Blue, Orange, and Ivory...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The name: DIY Bride in Bloom.

     After Mr. Bloom and I got engaged, the itching for everything DIY came about... Designing my invites, card boxes, favors, centerpieces... and much more is going to be a task, but I know that when I see my final products it will be worth it.  I made that, I did that...not to mention the rest of my support group.. 
     My Groom... He is a sports-watching, sports-playing, sports-loving guy.  He has pretty much figured out what is and isn't important to him when it comes to planning a wedding.  Colors? Not so much. Cake? Ohhh Yea! He gives his input when I ask, and I can kind of figure when he wouldn't mind I made some decisions without him... He is very artistic so he gives great input when it comes to designs and things like that.  And, most of all he knows when I just need someone to make a decision for me.. Sometimes I can be a bit indecisive, and his decide and go attitude definitely helps me out a lot! Sometimes we brides need to remember that we are indeed marrying men.  Wedding planning is not the most exciting thing to them...they have not been thinking about it since they were little.. so I try not to get upset when he is into ESPN more than my "Does this match that" questions...
     My main DIY helper is... My mother. I love how excited she is.  Reading my bride magazines (which my brother bought me a two year subscription for my birthday! ha ha) and marking the pages for me.. I guess some people may see that as overbearing, but so far so good.  She is happy to help, and allows me to veto some of those crazy ideas in her head.. I have two older brothers and am her only daughter, so I am sure you can understand her excitement...She only wants the best of what she is able to give me.  I couldn't have a more supportive mother, who is maybe even a little more crazy about DIY'ing than me! I definitely hear I can make that alot! She is also very creative and talented and if she dreams something up she thinks she can make it happen! So, we definitely aren't in need of ideas! 
     Then you add my future mother in law... I like to call them Double Trouble... ha ha.  She has no daughters, just 3 sons! She and my FFIL got married fairly young and fairly quickly, so she never got to have the total wedding planning experience..  Unfortunately for her MIL's get very bad raps... But I am here to state on the record that not every mother in law is a monster in law! I am extremely lucky.  I am happy to include her when it comes to the wedding details.  She has been there through the picking of the venue, the dress, and discussions of linens and the overwhelming bridal extravaganzas! Her input is very important to me and I am very excited that she wants to be apart of it.  I wouldn't have it any other way! 
     Then I have 5 willing bridesmaids! Though we are not down to the nitty gritty they have been there to listen, to give input, to shake their heads or tell me everything is going to be beautiful.  I couldn't have picked a better group of girls! 
     Then there is...Friends and Family...I am already very thankful of the family that has offered to pay for certain aspects of the wedding and the friends that have volunteered themselves for assembly parties.  When planning a wedding, any help you can get is appreciated...
     And last but not least, don't think I forgot about Dad.  Though he may not be into DIY'ing, talking about color schemes, or assembly parties...he does want the best for his Princess.. (23 year old princess..ha ha) My mom likes to call him the "Budget Enforcer!"  Lol.  He tries to keep us in line! We'll see how that goes! 
     Though I have read some wedding blogs, I did not commit their formats to memory.  So, Is this how other people start their blogs? I have no clue.. But to me.. getting a feel for who I am, who I am completing this journey with and other little tidbits about me is important.  I  am now a blogger, a "wedding planner", and a self proclaimed DIY'er... This most definitely makes me a DIY Bride in Bloom. : ) .

About the Bloom Bride.

Well, I am marrying Mr. Bloom.  (What a name right!?) It will definitely be better that the long hispanic name I have trailing on me now... Not that I dislike it or anything, but spanish speakers get upset with me when i pronounce it "wrong". haha. So, I am welcoming Bloom with open arms! We met when we were sixteen...yes. high school sweethearts... Our 7 year anniversary is on 10.10.10. And to answer the most common question I get.. Yes, we stayed together the whole 7 years! No break ups! I don't really like telling people that we are high school sweet hearts because of the stigma that comes along with that. I am not marrying him  because I am scared I can't find anyone else or because I'm just settling for what I am familiar with.  I am marrying him because I am beyond in love with him. After almost 7 years of togetherness, not a day goes by where I am bored with our relationship.  We have not fallen into some boring pattern, we are still learning and evolving into the best couple we can be... We got engaged on our 6 year anniversary.  Even though I had always dreamed of getting married on 10.10.10, that just wasn't in the cards for us.  We wanted to be done with college before we took the major leap into Life! So, we decided on the next best thing 09.10.11. I joked around with the date once, on a separate occasion my FMIL (without knowing I joked about it) mentioned the date, and finally my father (also on a separate occasion) mentioned it would be funny.  There you had it! It was meant to be! We had finally set a date! 

First Post! : )

I have been contemplating having a blog for a while, but I really didn't have a reason to blog.  Then I became engaged! After researching and reading so many bride to be blogs I was inspired to do the same.  (Thanks mainly to The Wedding Bee) So.. here I am planning a wedding.  I had no idea that I was going to want to be a DIY bride.  I am creative and love designing. Would there be a more perfect thing to design and plan then what will be one of the greatest days of my life??  I think not! So here I will be, pouring out my excitements, my wedding worries, and just plain planning stories! I've been told to enjoy the journey and I hope that you readers will do the same!